
May roundup — Russian

It's time for another roundup post! This month was rough. Priotities changed and I wasn't able to keep up the intensity of the previous months. However, I tried to do at least a little bit Russian every day to keep in touch with the language.   Anki I reviewed cards from the decks "Russian Starter", "Ru15K" and my own sentence deck every day. YouTube I watched a few videos from Comprehensible Russian (Beginner 1 playlist). I also watched videos from Easy Russian and Сделай сам (a channel about how to build small houses). Assimil I reviewed older lessons and repeated a new lesson a few days before going on. Метро 2033 I continued reading chapter 1. Some sentences are quite long and difficult to understand, even after looking up every unknown word. But it's fun to discover what is happening. Stranger Things I started watching episode 2. Animal Crossing I continued playing Animal Crossing in Russian. As you can see, compared to the previous months my activi

April roundup — Russian

 Another month is over! Here are my Russian learning activities in April:  Anki I kept reviewing the Russian starter deck and the Ru15K deck (see my previous posts for more details). But I also started my own sentence deck. I’m currently adding sentences mostly from Animal Crossing that contain only one unknown word. I decided to focus on Animal Crossing for a while until I can understand most dialogues more easily. (They are surprisingly difficult at my current level. XD) Assimil This month I did lesson 11 - 36. After reaching lesson 36, I started to review older lessons. At some point, I noticed that the lessons became more challenging so I think I should spend a bit more time reviewing new lessons before moving on. Reviewing old ones will also help.   (YouTube) Comprehensible Russian: Beginner 1 I kept watching videos from this playlist. I'm currently at video 31. I like it when there are several videos about a certain topic instead of a different topic in every video. This way,

March roundup - Russian

And as promised in my last post , here's my Russian roundup of March!  (Anki) Russian starter deck ( this one ) By now, I reviewed every card at least once! This deck is a good start. Each card presents a sentence which changes every day (so that you learn the words and not memorize the sentence). If you click on a word, you can check its definition. Plus, some cards contain grammar explanations. However, I noticed that some sentences are confusing. Sometimes because of the lack of context and sometimes because they contain difficult phrases. Even after checking the individual words and the translation of some phrases, it didn’t make sense to me. In cases like this all you can do is to memorize what this combination of words means. Anyways, I'll continue reviewing this deck. (Anki) ru15k ( this one ) I suspended all cards except for the first 1k cards to focus on them first. I'm currently reviewing 10 new cards per day. Maybe a bit low, but my main focus is reading. That&

February roundup - Russian

Years ago, I started learning Russian. I bought interesting books in Russian and a textbook. But this textbook wasn't really beginner-friendly. In every new lesson, the dialogue contained many new words but only few words from the previous lesson. The author probably wanted the learner to study the whole vocabulary list before going on but I didn't like this approach. After a few lessons I felt too overwhelmed and decided to focus on Japanese instead. On February 13th, I tried it again and now I'm much more optimistic. I gained more experience as a language learner through Japanese and can use that now with Russian. Plus, I discovered the Refold Russian server on discord which is a very helpful place for finding resources and guidance.  I want to reach a point at where I can understand the novels in Russian that are waiting on my shelf. In this post I want to share what I did, which resources I used and my thoughts. I think I'll post one update every month. (YouTube) Co

I finished 『ひと』!

  Now that I've read the last chapter of 『ひと』I want to share my thoughts: Story I have mixed feelings. Slice of life stories are nice and relaxing to read from time to time but, unfortunately, I struggled to motivate myself to continue reading. I can see the value of this kind of story, however,  I missed interesting twists, unusual events, challenges that the main character needs to overcome, etc. (=anything that would make me curious) To be fair, it's not that the main character doesn't has any goals nor problems, far from it. But they are so … normal. I usually prefer interesting and exciting stories. Mystery, action, suspense, thriller... you name it. That's why slice of life is a bit boring for my taste. However, this is just my personal taste and has nothing to do with the quality of the book itself! Although it was not a page turner for me, it's not that I dislike the story. I think it's a nice slice of life story.  The first chapter introduces the protag

ヒカルの碁 volume 1

  I finished volume 1 of ヒカルの碁!A long time ago, I've read the first 4 or 5 volumes in German. I was fascinated by the story and the board game Go. (I even bought a Go set and played a bit) Somehow I never bought the other volumes … which I later regretted… T^T Now, many years later, reading this manga in Japanese is a very special experience to me. (Very light) spoiler warning: In the following, I want to highlight some aspects of the story and characters. I tried to be as vague as possible to avoid clear spoilers. I didn’t describe specific events but just in case you definitely don’t want to know anything before you read the manga yourself you probably should not read the following text. The manga is quite old, but the drawings are still excellent in my opinion. I like, how the main character Hikaru slowly changes his opinion about the board game Go (it's usually not very popular among young people; or at least not among Hikaru's peers). In the beginning, he is a bit arro

My first impressions of『ひと』

  I've read the first chapter and would like to share a few thoughts in this post. The first chapter introduces the protagonist, his difficult life situation, his past and several other characters. Apart from that, there are no special or dramatic events in this chapter. At this point, I'm not sure what this story is about or what to expect. I think this will change with the next chapter. I like how the story is told. It starts with the focus on the protagonist and introduces gradually more and more details about the protagonist and other characters in a natural way. It’s quite pleasant to read so far. Although nothing special happened during this chapter, I never felt bored. It's interesting to learn more and more about the protagonist and I'm curious how his life will change in the next chapters.  The level of difficulty is okay. I have to look up a bunch of words and don't understand every detail but most of the time I can follow the story well. Only scenes with