
Showing posts from August, 2022

Language Learning is Colorful

In nature things are often influenced by more than just one factor. A flower needs more than just water to stay alive. It may grow well in one place but withers when you plant it at another place. There are many factors that determine the development of a living being. Our world is not only black or white. It's full of colors.  Unfortunately, humans tend to think in black or white. "Y is good, Z is bad!" People often discuss which opinion is "right" and which is "wrong". In some cases, friends became enemies because they couldn't accept another opinion.  Many people also confuse opinions with facts. They defend their opinion even if they have no proof. And they refuse to change their opinion even if there is evidence that their claims are not correct. Language learning is colorful I don't like "black-or-white-thinking". And I'm not interested in "language gurus". The language learning community is full of many different...